Audits and Certifications

Many EC grant agreements require at interim or final reporting period end an audit, expenditure verification or similar review, whether or not dependent on the actual expenditure exceeding a threshold (for example 325.000 euro for Horizon2020, 100.000 euro for DG DEVCO, 300.000 euro or 750.000 euro for LIFE). These controls are also known as first level controls.

We are accredited to offer all the types of audits or certifications (financial audits, systems audits, compliance audits, pillar assessments of international organisations or public bodies) and audit related services (expenditure verifications, Certificate on Financial Statements (Horizon 2020 CFS), verification missions of contribution agreements managed by international organisations, specific agreed-upon procedures under International Standard of Related Services (ISRS) 4400) that the EU requires from funds beneficiaries in the grant agreements.

These services are offered for all types of EU grant contracts and contracting authorities and all types of beneficiaries (being coordinators, lead partners, participants, beneficiaries, co-beneficiaries, partners, etc).

  • Types of EU contracting authorities : Directorate-Generals, EU Delegations worldwide, Executive Agencies, Joint Undertakings, Public Private Partnerships (PPP), the European Innovation Council (EIC), the European Research Council (ERC), etc.
  • Types of EU funds beneficiaries : private entities, universities, non-governmental organisations (national and international not for profit organisations, such as AISBLs/IVZWs), public bodies, international organisations (United Nations, World Bank, the OECD), public private partnerships (PPP), etc.

Did you know that...

the audit fees for a first level control can in general be declared as eligible costs as part of the project budget and that auditors if already appointed in a grant agreement can be changed upon simple notification towards the EC.